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Language: English Words: 29,371 Chapters: 12/? Comments: 36 Kudos: 382 Bookmarks: 16 Hits: 19464 Disclaimer: All hate comments or mean speech towards me, my work, or someone else while on this book WILL be deleted without ANY hesitation whatsoever. Also if you want me to credit you, just tell me and I will. I can try and make it two or all three as well if you want. You can also tell me if you want it to be angst, fluff, or smut.

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You searched for this! Let me know if you have any ideas, just tell me the relationship, world(IRL, DreamSMP, OriginsSMP), and the title.

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TubboInnit(Tubbo x Tommy), Tomboo(Tommy x Ranboo), and Ranmybo(Ranboo x Tommy x Tubbo) oneshots. TommyTransBoi Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game)

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