Best gay movies on hbo go

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Heidi, this is great,' Hickenlooper says, excited by the prospects for the. Well, here’s a short overview of personal favorites within gay cinema of the 2010’s, followed by some anticipated LGBT-themed films in 2016. Levitt, who has been casting movies since 1987, is pleased with the progress. Although it falls short on LGBTQ cast and. The former an instant classic, the latter a drag. Brokeback Mountain (2005) As far as good movies go like critically acclaimed, Oscar-winning movies Brokeback Mountain is a solid place to start. Two French queer films, albeit totally different from one another, which gained quite some attention and praise. It lurked in the shadow of La Vie d’Adele, which shook the earth by showing a tumultuous lesbian love affair in all its aspects. What surprised me even more was that it didn’t stir up any controversy when it was first shown at the Cannes festival last year. L’inconnu du Lac received much critical acclaim ( also by other The Filmtransition staff members), which surprised me, to say the least: it’s likely one the most overrated (rest of and dull films I have seen in a while.

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When French gay thriller L’inconnu du Lac was released in Dutch cinemas it made me come up with a list of the best LGBT films I’ve seen this decade. But since everyone’s doing it… these are the most interesting, gripping, funny movies that are in some way ‘gay-themed’. Defining movies as ‘LGBT’ or ‘gay-themed’ is in fact a bit stupid, as it has nothing to do with a genre at all.

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